Fountains and ponds and combinations of the two are found in many places.  The one on the left is a vertical stone segment with a base.  The pump returns the water to the top of the unit.  I installed it about 5 years ago at my daughters home in TEXAS.  The veritical unit came from a Sam's Club in KC.  The ground insert was a Lowes purchase in Texas

Prior to the install of a pond/fountain, these stumps had to be removed.  There were Texas scrubs.  The 4 groups took over 20 hours of hard labor to remove.

A yard hydrant is a self draining system used primarily in farm situations for water livestock or gardens.  This one had failed and a replacement kit was not available to rebuild it.  So I replaced it so the pony and sheep could drink.  The garden was watered though other resources.  Digging down and watching for the power lines to the well was a critical feature on the venture since the well pump was near by.  After the install and test proved the system was self emptying, mean it would not freeze during cold weather,  The main reason for the installation.

This metal fountain had 5 levels.  I reset them and redid the lines and pump system and added muilt-color lights so it looked pretty at night.  However, the unit is still at risk due to high wind flow in the area. 

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